while i was browsing this social net site, i stumbled upon an online shop that sells variety of products (clothes, shoes, bags)... one of the albums that she have is designated for different bags that she sells. i thought that the photo of a cute bag on the cover of her album is also for sale. so i checked. unfortunately, it is not for sale. it's just a cover she used to attract buyers. as i checked, i read a comment that says, "is this for sale?" of course the owner answered no. but she mentioned the site where she got the photo of that awesome, unique bag. and because i was hoping that it is somehow available locally, i checked the site. only to be surprised that those creations are not for sale anywhere here. the site's language is in Italian. too bad... i don't understand Italian. and when i clicked on one of the photos, it redirected me to Flickr. wow! they have a wide selection of bags from recycled materials such as old magazines, newspaper and even an old record disc (the huge one? i don't know how to call it.. sorry...) amazing, isn't it? they were able to make something out of old and almost forgotten things. obviously, that's what makes them stunning. i have an eye for vintage stuffs. feels different when you have them on.
i bet you're wanting to ask me their website. oh, you can check them out at momaboma.it... if in case you can understand Italian, please come back here and tell me more. thanks...
Papunta ng Christmas party and pauwi
4 weeks ago